Home / Sauna

Sauna is the procedure during which the body is exposed to high tempratures, up to 1200 C, for 15 – 25 minutes. After that the body cools down with water, snow or ice. The benefits of sauna for both physical and mental health are indisputable. The most popular sauna considers to be the Finnish sauna.

1414RS/1414 LS 137X137
1416RS/1416 LS 137X156
1420RS/1420 LS 137X197
1616RS / 1616 LS 156X156
1620MS 156X197
2020MS 197X197
2020MD 197X197
2023RS/2023 LS 197X227
2026MS 190X257
1616RL/1616 LL 156X156
1620RL/ 1620 LL 156X197
2020RL/2020 LL 197X197
2023RL /2023 LL 197X227
2026MIL/ 2026MRL 190X257
2323RL/2323 LL 227X227
2326 MIL/2326 MLR 257X257
2026 MD 197X287
2329MD 227X287
2329 RL/2329 LL 227X287

Treat yourself to a traditional outdoor barrel sauna experience. The picturesque sunsets and the unforgettable observation of the stars of the night sky, come to complete the ultimate relaxation experience.

Due to the round shape, there is a smaller volume of cubic meters in the sauna, so that its space heats up quickly and is extremely energy efficient.

-Different length & diameter barrels
– Thermo wood boards and panels
– Foundations beams
– Metal frame bands
– Sauna room benches
– Wooden flooring board
– Sauna ventilation valve
– Sauna door, tempered glass

In the sauna, the temperature is high (up to 100°C) and the humidity is low. The body is heated from the outside and you start to sweat.
An infusion of water on the volcanic rocks, can also increase the heat and humidity to make you sweat even more.

Solid wood quality